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Friday, October 29, 2010

Quiz Program (Loops)

This one was difficult for me, but not as much as the last time I encountered loops. I think after a few more small programs with loops I'll feel more comfortable with this. I created a quiz about me. Feel free to run it and take it. (It's in Ruby.)

puts( '     <(^.^)> LITTLE KNOWN FACTS O\' MELANIE <(^.^)>')
puts( 'To play, select the letter that corresponds with your answer
then press return')
answer = ''

while answer != 'c'
puts( '#1 Gym class sux. How would Melanie get out of running laps in Elem school?')
puts( 'a. She got a doctors note')
puts( 'b. She refused')
puts( 'c. She hid')
puts( 'd. She got extra help in another subject instead of going to gym')
answer = gets.chomp.downcase

puts( 'Correct!')

answer = ''

while answer != 'b'
puts( '#2 Melanie has a scar on her knee from kindergarten. How did she get it?')
puts( 'a. She fell off the jungle gym')
puts( 'b. She was running in flip flops and tripped')
puts( 'c. She got beat up')
puts( 'd. Her brother threw something at her')
answer = gets.chomp.downcase

puts( 'Correct!')

answer = ''

while answer != 'a'
puts( '#3 Melanie failed ONE class in high school. Which was it?')
puts( 'a. government')
puts( 'b. business services technology')
puts( 'c. geometry')
puts( 'd. art')
answer = gets.chomp.downcase

puts( 'Correct!')

answer = ''

while answer != 'c'
puts( '#4 Melanie is l337 fail at sports. Which sport did she play in high school?')
puts( 'a. basketball')
puts( 'b. cheerleading')
puts( 'c. track')
puts( 'd. volleyball')
answer = gets.chomp.downcase

puts( 'Correct!')

answer = ''

while answer != 'b'
puts( '#5 Melanie went on a family vacation when she was 10. Where did she go?')
puts( 'a. Virginia Beach, VA')
puts( 'b. Chattanooga, TN')
puts( 'c. Groton, CT')
puts( 'd. Tell City, IN')
answer = gets.chomp.downcase

puts( 'Correct!')