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Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Sorting Algorithm: Melsort

A friend challenged me to a little algorithm writing contest and I'd never written an algorithm before (this was about a year and a half ago) and had little knowledge of algorithms.Specs:Write code that sorts an array of numbers from lowest to highest.Use this array: [5, 2, 8, 0, 9, 3, 1]Don't look up sorting algorithms.It goes without saying that I was not allowed to Ruby's built-in sort method on the array => array.sort!That would be cheating as the point is to create the code that sorts the array.I thought of a number of ways to do...

Spatial Skills on Facebook?

I recently took one of those Facebook feed reader quizzes where you let something read through your Facebook posts and it gives you some scores -- basically what kind of person you supposedly are. This isn't something I usually do, but I wanted to kind of play around with it and maybe come up with an analysis (and I did and it is as follows): "Melanie is more spatial than 97% of people." I can't agree with this. First of all, what does it mean to "be spatial"? Am I physically larger than 97% of people? Do I take up more space? Despite the ambiguity...

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